Wood with multiple qualities
Pawlownia is a tree native to China with a straight stem and deciduous leaves. With a growth of about 3.5m per year, it can reach a height of 16 meters when fully grown, which allows a harvest every 5 years.
Develop an exceptional and yet under-used wood resource:
A smart wood resourcePaulownia wood ensures softness/suppleness, straight grain, beautiful pattern, shine, variety of colors, resistance to torsion, dries quickly without deformation, light weight, excellent resonance...
Rapid growth ( only 6 years)
Paulownia is the tree that absorbs the most CO². It makes it possible to have positive impacts on the local environment: decarbonization
Even when the conditions are not ideal, the Paulownia is easy to cultivate:
- Resistance (fire, insects, moisture, rot...)
- No need for much water
- No need to replant after cutting the tree
- Regenerates
A fast tree growth, very fast.
Reaches 16 m adult size in 6 years
6 years
4 years
2 years
1 year
Planting date